Suedia hap hotelin e akullt për vitin 2021

Suedia hap hotelin e akullt për vitin 2021

Janë publikuar fotot e para nga hoteli i akullt për vitin 2021. Hoteli i veçantë ndodhet në Suedi dhe çdo vit ai ndërtohet nga e para duke përdorur vetëm borë dhe akull nga fshati Jukkasjarvi, aty ku kalon Lumi Torne.

Ky hotel do të qëndrojë i hapur deri në prill të vitit 2021, atëherë kur nis dhe shkrirja e akullit, shkruan Daily Mail.

Hoteli i akullt u hap për herë të parë në vitin 1989 dhe bëri të mundur që zona e Laplandit në Suedi të shndërrohej në një destinacion turistik për të gjithë vitin.

Fakti që gjithçka është e shkrirë në Pranverë, lejon arkitektët t’i japin forma të ndryshme dhomave dhe ambienteve të përbashkëta si bari dhe restoranti.

Në total për të krijuar këtë hotel janë përdorur 1000 blloqe akulli, ku secili peshon 2.5 ton./

The first images of Sweden's Icehotel for 2021 have been released. This one shows a suite called 'Toybox', which was designed by Wouter Biegelaar and Viktor Tsarski. It is located in Icehotel 365 - a permanent part of the hotel that is open all year round

This amazing sculpture can be found in the Strawberry Room suite in Icehotel 31, which will stand until April 11, 2021 - when the hotel melts. This suite was designed by Petter Stordalen, Edith Van de Wetering and Wilfred Stijger

A total of 24 Swedish-based artists created the concepts for this year's unique suites. This sculpture can be found in the suite called Vila Vid Denna Källa (Rest At This Source) by Tjasa Gusfors and Ulrika Tallving

This stunning deluxe suite can be found inside Icehotel 365. It has been designed by Julia Gamborg Nielsen and Lotta Lampa and is called Kodex Maximus

Inside the frozen forest-themed ceremony hall, which is designed for 'intimate weddings and other celebrations'. It was created by Anna Ohlund and John Pettersson

This huge dinosaur sculpture is the handiwork of designers Kestutis and Vytautas Musteikis. It is in the deluxe suite called Dreaming in a Dream

Another shot of the Dreaming in a Dream suite. Creative director of Icehotel, Luca Roncoroni, said: 'The pandemic forced us to think differently, but the result is a stunning homage to Sweden'

Lena Kristrom and Nina Hedman are the designers behind this unusual suite, called A Break. Each year since 1989, the Icehotel has been built and rebuilt using just snow and ice in the village of Jukkasjarvi

These incredible ice sculptures are by artists Elisabeth Kristensen and Dave Ruane. They are in a room called You Are Here

Paradice Lost is the name of this elaborate suite, which has been designed by Kalle Ekeroth and Christian Strömqvist

A 360-degree augmented reality tour of the hotel is available. Pictured is the Paradice Lost suite

Edith Van de Wetering and Wilfred Stijger are the designers who created this amazing sculpture in a suite called Hang Loose

Welcome to 'probably the coldest sauna in the world'. It was created by Luca Roncoroni

This suite, called Oh Rapunzel, features a sculpture of a Maltese dog with 'long luscious locks flowing down the walls'. It was designed by Emilie Steele and Sara Steele

A Journey Into Letterspace is the name of this new suite. It was designed by John Bark and Charli Kasselbäck